Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Other events and photos

My secret beach is still my favorite spot in the Philippines. It restores my soul and spirit. I have met new friends there and taken up new sports and hobbies.
Malaysian, American, Korean and our new bling shell jewelry

Yes that is me kitesurfing!

I met a wonderful family of 4 generations! What a blessing! Great grandmother swinging her great grandchild!
These infant swings are very popular here

The Catholic Church just opened a small building that honors saints and Jesus. There are many statues inside and a special small door you enter to see the statue of Jesus. The writing says you must stoop low and humbled to enter and see the Christ.
Enter the little door to the right

Statues of Mary

New building to honor and house statues

Filipinos love a celebration and a parade. The little church preschool next to my house celebrated its 25th anniversary with a parade of decorated tricycles and kids dressed up.
These were 2 kids representing the US for the parade, very appropriate for Election day

Representing Thailand

Been in Manila a bit too much the last couple of weeks, meetings, trainings, check ups.....we all had to practice an evacuation drill from our respective sites in case of an emergency...thanks PC for caring about our safety.
And I leave you with a sunset....November will be busy if we get our library grant!! Heading up north at the end of the month for a Thanksgiving dinner with other PCVs, looking forward to being cold! December is my birthday and then 2 vacations I am very excited about at the end of the year. Wow, only 10 months to go in my service, 2013 will fly by....
Enjoy the freedom of America.....I sit in an internet cafe now listening to President Obama's re-election speech and I have goose bumps....cherish your rights and freedom, so many many in the world do not have it, nor will they have food tonight.
Some place where this happens every single night....
Ingat...take care.

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